
LCC Internal Blitz Tournaments

The purpose of this note, is not only to insist that members play the game according to FIDE rules, but also to remove it from its’ present state of periodic trench warfare and to convince all members, to insure, that no one brings the game of chess into disrepute.


Play shall be governed by FIDE Laws of Chess, except where they are overridden by the following Laws.
1. Game is played in less than 15mins.
2. Moves are not recorded.
3. Once each player has made three moves, no claim can be made for incorrect piece placement, orientation of the chessboard or clock setting.
4. The TD will rule on Articles 4 or 10 only if requested by one or both players.
5. A flag is considered fallen when a player makes a valid claim to that effect. TD shall refrain from signaling a flag fall.
6. To claim a win on time, the claimant must stop both clocks and claim the win. Claimant’s flag must be up and his opponents flag down.
7. If both flags have fallen, the game is drawn.
8. An illegal move is completed once the opponent’s clock has been started. The opponent then can claim a win before making his own move. Once the opponent has made his own move, an illegal move cannot be corrected. (Rule c3)
9. In order to win, a player must have mating potential.

LCC House Rules

1. It is recommended that a non-playing TD run the tournament.( It is obvious that this is not always possible.)
2. The TD – playing or not – has complete responsibility for the tournament. His decisions are final and cannot be appealed.
3. The main responsibilities of a TD are:
a) Insure that clocks are not abused by excessive punching or hammered by a captured piece.
b) Insure that players are not knocking pieces all over on the board due to time trouble.
c) Insure that no abusive language or trash talk is used.
d) Insure that players are not under the influence…
e) Insure that the game is played according to the rules of FIDE.

Tools to assist the TD in his job.
a) Warning to players.
b) Adding 1 or 2 minutes to the offending player’s opponent’s clock.
c) Stop the game and award it to the offending player’s opponent.
d) Stop the game and award zero points to both players.
e) Expel players from the tournament.