
Chess Puzzle

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Black to move and win.
Solution below
[wpex class=”wpex-link” more=”Hint” less=”Hide”]1…d6[/wpex]

[wpex class=”wpex-link” more=”Solution” less=”Hide Solution”]1…d6 2.Rxd6+ f6 3.Rxf6+ Kh7 4.Rh6+ Kg8 5.Rh8+ Kf7 6.Rf8+ Ke6 7.Rf6+ Kd7 8.Rd6+ Kc8 9.Rd8+ Kb7 10.Rb8+ Kc6 11.Rxb6+ Kd7 12.Rd6+ Ke8 13.Rd8+ Kf7 14.Rf8+ Kg6 15.Rf6+ Kh7[/wpex]

Puzzle referred by Steve D.
posted by jim k